Where have you been and where are you going? You do not have to run and hide. Why not say that you are standing for reelection and the purpose of it to bring some reason back to the party platform. That is if there is one. Does anybody actually know what the Republican Party platform is?
You are making the rounds of the opinion programs saying that the election was not rigged and that those claims are baseless and false. You should have been making those statements in November 2020 when they mattered most.
We understand what is happening with the Republican Party. Representatives and Senators who are still supporting or should we say propping up Trump are doing in because of fear. Fear of losing the power and the perquisites that accompany that status. You are so afraid that your constituency will kick you to the curb, your are not stopping to realize they could be wrong.
The founding fathers made Senators terms six years for a reason. They were also the aristocracy, educated, travelled and informed men of their time. They were supposed to be the deciders who were to use reason and not emotion in the process of governing the direction of this country for all of the people, not just a select few their vote as a threat and a weapon.
