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Where are the Bush, McCain and Romney Republicans? Where did you go?

Where are the Republicans from past election seasons? Did they finally become fed up and leave the country out of disgust and desperation? Seems that way. What we have left cannot seem to understand that two part democracies function with both accepting some give and take. You can't go to the playground and expect to come home with all of the marbles every time you play. It won't be long before you won't have any friends to play with. These men were rivals of the Democratic Party and had very differing opinions on governing. However, they knew that compromise was the only way to achieve their goals.

They knew that to please 50% of the people was a huge success. Because of that 50% there were Democrats and Republicans in the numbers. They had to walk a fine line to satisfy business and finance and keep the economy humming and also protect the interests of labor engine that powered those businesses. Hate speech and tolerance to violence was very rare.

Men and women of that period were professionals and acted like it. Much like attorneys who fought fiercely as they advocated for their clients in the courtroom and then had lunch with their adversary, these men and women could carry on like the professionals they were.

Now we have loud mouth hacks in the government making decisions for you and me, who do not know the first thing about decorum or ethics or the negotiating process. They want everything their way, right now, or they will take their toys and go cry to whoever will listen to their whining. It is usually the media and that is fine with them. That empowers them even more. Why are they there? Because like their leader they are narcistic megalomaniacs.

There is the story about the little 3 year old girl, spoiled, of course, who every time she did not get her way, she would hold her breath and pass out falling to the floor. Her parents would rush to pick her up and of course she would have her way. Concerned, they took her to the doctor to find out what was happening. The doctor laughed and told them not to worry there was nothing wrong with their daughter. His advice was the next time this happened, ignore the little girl as she lay on the floor, providing she did fall on something, and walk away from her. He said when she awoke shortly she would see that her act had no result. He said that one or two instances should fix the problem.

One night at dinner with the family including the grandparents, all sitting around a large table engaged in conversation each other and not paying attention to the little girl, she yelled for attention, held her breath and passed out on the carpeted floor. The grandmother began to jump up to provide assistance and was told by the mother to leave her alone. They all continued on with dinner and conversation as if nothing happened. The little girl awoke to no one giving her attention. She lifted herself up and came to the table and asked her mother, politely, for something more to drink. She never repeated that episode again.

That is a true story.

Is there some meaning to this? Yes. I hope I don't need to explain in detail. This goes on everyday in congress with the spoiled brats that we have there who spend more time whining than negotiating for their supper. Why do you, me, we, them keep electing these morons? I don't know. Somebody tell me. Would you go to someone's house as a dinner guest and if the potatoes were served boiled, push your plate away in disgust and tell them you only eat garlic mashed potatoes? Tell me you are not like that.

What happened to the sensible professionals who found a way to be sometimes accommodating to those who didn't always agree with them. Where did we end up with selfish tyrants who are going to tell us that it is their way or the highway. The problem is not just ours. We live in a world community and it is becoming smaller every day. These demagogues are becoming more dangerous and influential as antisemitism and prejudices increase around the world.

Take some time and educate yourself. My only job is to make you curious to go find out more. If you read this and don't question it, then you are not helping me or yourself. And once you decide on a truth, don't keep it to yourself. That is exactly what these fucks want. If they can make you fearful and shut you up, they have won.

Jack Wilson




 Progressive Daily Blog of News, Business and Travel 

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