It seems that this was going to be inevitable. We all sat around waiting for the who, what and where. Everyone, I am speaking of the politicians and pundits who were walking us up to the edge of disaster. They have been ramping up the rhetoric and the hate speech to a flash point, just waiting for some mental midget to take the bait and create the chaos we just witnessed. It was just a normal Saturday afternoon until it wasn't.
Now all the political machinery has been reset. The betting lines have all changed. Who is going to be the blame for this. Sensible reaction would be to dial back all of the hate speech and calm the crazy influences. But we know that will not happen. There are the fringes in both political parties who love this and it will give them fuel to fan the flames of hate.
Where are the leaders who should have stopped or at least slowed this train wreck before it went this far. All of them, the dinosaurs and the juvenile acting legislators who they should be mentoring have a roll in this. They all have gone beyond telling their story on their policy plans and educating the public on what they want to do, to personalizing and to extent demonizing each other. None of these people are statesmen or women. They are juvenile brats. I wouldn't let any of them run any facet of my business. Why are they running our country? Beats the hell out of me. I think on some level it speaks to the level of education we have climbed own to in this country. people actually watch reality T.V. and think it is actually reality T.V. What does that say to you?
Maybe we agree that the policies of one party or the other is not good for our country. We settle that with elections and the result is supposed to be a consensus of the electorate. That is the way it is supposed to be settled. The plurality of the eligible voters decide. But, even with all of the hyperbole in a political season, you would think the population would be anxious to get out there and vote. Not true. On average about 50 percent of the eligible voters actually turn out.
However that was not true in 2008 and 2020. Those were elections characterized by polarizing circumstances. 2020 was the highest turnout on record. Over 66 percent. So where are the other 30 to 40 percent? Well, maybe they are sitting on the sidelines cheering? Or maybe they are the bellyachers and trouble makes who cause all of the angst in both parties.
Whatever. The point is, if you don't like the way a group wants to plan your future, the get out and vote. But you don't shoot people you disagree with. Or, someday that may really be the only alternative. We have not devolved into a fascist government yet. And the way to prevent it is to get off your ass, grab your friend by the arm and go vote.
We cannot give the zany misfits wandering around the country any reason to think they have a reason for retribution for the actions created by our leaders. It is time for them to shut the fuck up and do the job they were sent their to do. Many of these public servants in Washington are there for their own personal gain and the public interest means nothing to them. Yes they have an agenda.
Fortunately, they represent only their constituents, not the entire country. The media would have us believe that half the country are crazy radicals leaning one way or the other. But that question can be solved with a simple vote. It is important to be engaged in the process and voice your opinion with a vote. That is the way to protect your individual freedom.
Do I agree with Trump and his agenda? No. And I am going to tell him in November.
Jack Wilson
Biden has been an good President. He came in after an election that will go down in the ages as a debacle created by Trump. And he will not let it go away. What transpired also displayed the deep problems we have in this country with racism, bigotry, anti-semitism, misogyny and any other ism that can be used to blame one group or another for someone's or some groups problems. It's an old trick that has been used again and again. The crazy thing is, people still fall for it.
Trump will not let go. Not with the numbers he is able to poll. He knows there are those out there who will follow him over a cliff. He doesn't care and he has never cared for anyone or anything. He has proved that with his business history, for those who would take the time to read about his many failures. Trump is a classic. He doesn't use his own money and his failures are littered with the people who trusted him and followed him into bankruptcies.
Trump is a street thug and Joe Biden is a decent guy. He is no match for Donald Trump no matter whet he thinks. But it is not just the election. If by some miracle were Joe Biden to win this election, There will still remain the followers and sycophants to Trump. All the little brown shirts who worship Trump will still be in the Senate and House. Because Donald Trump is not just a person, he has become an icon for all of the previous mentioned woes of this country.
He has created a legacy not to be proud of, but he is. He has made his mark in history and he will not be denigrated by it. He cannot and will not allow his name to be anything other that the leader of a new movement.
Joe Biden is not ready for this kind of battle.
I am not sure that anyone on the A list is ready for what Trump and his minions are planning for their vision of the new America. Fascism does not happen overnight. You do not go to bed and wake up the next morning to a fascist government. It is a slow drip, drip, drip of your individual rights taken by those who know better what is good for you.
Fascist leaders, by themselves are not powerful people. Their power is derived from a group who will do their bidding. Power is intoxicating and those in Washington who support Trump can smell the scent of power. If they get it, they will not let it go without a fight.
This is no place for 80 year old leaders, including Trump. But the party backing him know that and they know he will not be around for the long term. But they will have the power and position and then it will be too late. If Trump is allowed to be in power, NATO will be at risk. He will be the friend of his hero fascist leaders.
The Democratic Party has to get tough and be in the fight, if it is not too late. These developments should have been recognized years ago and prepared for.
Does Joe Gotta Go? That depends on who they are going to replace him with.
Right now I am not seeing it.
Jack Wilson